Groupement pour l’Amélioration des Liaisons dans l’Industrie Automobile

Electronic Invoice

One of the missions of the “Invoice group” is to define what are the impacts of the new European Directive 2001/115 / CE of December 20, 2001 transposed into domestic law on August 7, 2003 for France, on invoicing rules. Two new obligations are now required since December 31, 2003.

Invoicing experts (representatives of manufacturers and suppliers) meet to review and update invoicing rules and procedures.

The work relates to EDI exchanges for both conventional invoices and auto invoices or even dematerialized invoices.

The missions of the Invoice group are as follows (in order of priority):

  • Comparative study of the Gencod invoice subset and the GALIA invoice profile.
  • Update of the DMF3 recommendation to take into account the new European Directive 2001/115 / CE of December 20, 2001.
  • Study of the Global Invoic message and monitoring of the work of the Odette group, whose mission is to control and adapt the Global Invoic message to the European Directive.

The e-community space gives you access to:

  • Minutes
  • Presentations
  • Work documents
  • Contact details of Group participants
* Reserved for Working Group participants

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