Groupement pour l’Amélioration des Liaisons dans l’Industrie Automobile



GALIA network

On February 2, the GALIA team was hosted by GRIS GROUP.

The day has been very rich in discussions and was an opportunity to get to know this company better, a long-time member of our association and of the CATENA-X hub for the French Industry “Core Team”.

We had the opportunity to discuss many topics such as the deployment of TISAX and MMOG repositories, the implementation of e-invoicing, sustainable packaging and CATENA-X.

We also visited their factory and discussed the implementation of GALIA standards in their processes.

A big thank you to Céline GRIS and Antoine Gris, as well as to all their employees for their welcome and their involvement in the work of GALIA, Catena-X Automotive Network and the Automotive sector (PFA – Automotive Platform).