Groupement pour l’Amélioration des Liaisons dans l’Industrie Automobile

Audits and Support

If you are interested in one of these offers contact us:

In addition to the logistics training provided in the GALIA catalogue, companies can benefit from field support offers, with a senior auditor.

We provide two types of personalized coaching.

2 customizable offers according to your needs:

  • Support for an audit based on Global MMOG/LE Basic version.
  • Support for an audit based on Global MMOG/LE Full version.

In order to help your COMPANY in setting up the ODETTE platform, we offer the following services:

  • Help order your license(s) and the way to import it/them.
  • Decide on the strategy for using your platform.
  • Import the different catalogues/profiles (list of audit criteria).
  • Configure the Sites of your ORGANIZATION.
  • Configure all the users (USER) of your ORGANIZATION (Logistics, Procurement, Planning, Sales Administration, Quality, Methods, Projects, Controller, Lean, HR Manager…).
  • Configure your ORGANIZATION’s Partners /Customers.
  • Record a first V5 MMOG/LE assessment on your platform (minimum training).
  • Collect your initial expectations for the future ANALYTICAL tool integrated into the platform which will be made available by ODETTE in the coming months.