The Engineering Committee deals with exchange standards and Extended Enterprise Engineering processes.
Manufacturers and their equipment suppliers are increasingly using Extended Enterprise work techniques.
This strategy requires relying on engineering standards in different areas:
Engineering is one of the key areas in which GALIA operates, by cooperating with its partners in Europe within Odette and worldwide within SASIG.
The topics covered within the committee are directly related to the product development processes within the sector, with the objective of PLM deployment.
A first approach made it possible to estimate the quantifiable savings at nearly three hundred million francs per year for all the partners. The potential reduction in vehicle development cycle time is months or even years.
The mission of the Engineering Committee is:
The objectives of the Engineering Committee are directly linked to a need to improve collaboration between the various actors within the sector, whatever the collaboration mode.
Thus, we wish:
The committee includes attendeess from the 2 manufacturers as well as equipment manufacturers of all sizes.
These often have a responsibility in their respective companies related to engineering processes, such as development, information systems and purchasing.
The committee also welcomes all the presidents of the project groups it supervises.
The Committee meets approximately once every quarter.
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Creation of a standard data model to ensure product compliance Context: A working group including experts from Renault, PSA Groupe and Digital Product Simulation (DPS) has built a demonstrator to […]
Objectives: State-of-the-art practices with business case descriptions Mapping of contents and formats according to the use cases linked to the solutions used Publish a guide to eligible formats Expected deliverables: […]
The technical data exchange is an essential part of the work in extended enterprise either between two partner manufacturers or between manufacturer and supplier. PDM/PLM solutions are, in general, different […]