Groupement pour l’Amélioration des Liaisons dans l’Industrie Automobile

Automotive Transport Users

The costs involved in the transport for our industry are considerable. Some of these costs depend on the efficiency of the interface between the industry and the transport world.
In addition, new societal, regulatory and business transformation challenges affect the automotive industry.

The practices from one company to another, from one service provider to another, are heterogeneous: can the automotive sector benefit a standardized approach to its interface with the transport world ?

The interest of the automotive industry is to analyze its practices and to deduce a common basis of recommendations communicated to carriers. This process requires identifying the related themes and processes: the ones which are in the field of “collaborative”, by opposition with those who are in the field of “competitive”.

At the end of an initial pooling carried out by industrial and transport operations, the French sector wishes sharing widely these common prescriptions into the world.

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