Groupement pour l’Amélioration des Liaisons dans l’Industrie Automobile

40 years: episode 5


40 years

40 years of Supply Chain performance improvement

This year, we are also celebrating another important milestone: the 20th anniversary of the Global MMOG/LE standard, marking two decades of shared history with GALIA.

  • Born in 2004, V1 is the result of a major collaboration between AIAG in North America and Odette on the European continent to develop a single benchmark for evaluating the performance of the automotive Supply Chain, by finalizing the merge of the “Materials Management Operation Guideline” and “Odette Logistic Evaluation” tools. From that time on, GALIA has been involved by relying on the experience of its main members with the EVALOG tool.
  • In 2006, V2 features content improvements and a variant for evaluating logistics providers.
  • In 2009, V3 is structured to animate improvement plans with standard 360° charts and an Action Plan Progression Chart diagram.
  • In 2012 with V4, GALIA obtains the consideration of a BASIC version, more suitable for the dissemination of the standard among the lower Tiers of the Supply Chain, by limiting the number of criteria to be evaluated. Because of its consistency with the so-called FULL version, some manufacturers even accept it for the evaluation of their Tier 1. This same V4 sees the emergence of criteria on Risk Assessment, made necessary by the increase in the complexity of the Supply Chain.
  • The 2016 V5 is inseparable from the implementation by Odette of the new platform, replacing Excel files. This release aligns with the new IATF 16948 V2016 requirements, particularly the cascading of key requirements in the depth of the supply chain. Cybersecurity risks are considered. Companies are aware of the emergence of new information technologies. Risk management becomes even more important.
  • Finally, the current V6 version, launched in 2023, has initiated a strategic reflection on the evolution of the automotive sector. Let’s remember the Covid and electronic components crisis… This version raises the question of the transformation of our industry with the arrival of newcomers, the strategic planning that must complement the vision shared by customers and clearly expresses the new societal and environmental requirements that govern us.

The contributions to the performance of the automotive supply chain of this tool have proven invaluable.

Throughout its years, GALIA has been on the front line, working on the different versions of the standard, training experts, assisting users on a daily basis and supporting companies concerned with a structured and pragmatic approach to their continuous improvement plan.

And GALIA will continue to support you!