Groupement pour l’Amélioration des Liaisons dans l’Industrie Automobile

Publication of an ODETTE RFID White Paper



Odette and the national associations (GALIA, VDA, Odette Sweden, SMMT) brought together a working group of RFID experts to share best practices and go further in defining process and technical standards to be implemented in automotive logistics flows. The workgroup focused on the use of Passive UHF RFID technology with the aim of:

  • Identifying process issues that could create undue difficulties or multiple solutions among user companies,
  • Jointly defining the main industry use cases for Passive UHF RFID technology.

The use cases studied include:

  • Monitoring of returnable packaging
  • Monitoring of Transport Handling Unit flows between supplier and customer
  • Tracking the flow of parts via the RFID tags on packaging
  • Monitoring of individual parts

The results are available in the form of a white paper “Odette LR07 – Implementing RFID in the Automotive supply chain – The White Book”, including the different use cases.

At the same time, GALIA RFID recommendations have been updated to take into account the latest specifications.

Access RFID recommendations